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Shelter & Adoption

Trap-Neuter-Adopt (TNA) Program

Our shelter is a safe home for cats. We are implementing the humane approach in solving the stray cat issue by advocating the Trap-Neuter-Adopt program. This program is effective and it saves the cat’s life. Through this program, the population of cats can be balanced and ensure coexistence between cat and human in one shared environment.

The community cat will be appropriately trapped in a box without using force or violence. The cat will then be neutered, dewormed, vaccinated, ear-tipped and later be adopted by the centre. The unwanted cat that needs medical assistance will be treated and managed by the centre. Later, the cat can be adopted by the public. To ensure their well-being is secured, people need to undergo the interview session before adopting the cat and the guardian must adhere to the follow-ups and after-adoption care.

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